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Dangeau’s Diary, March 1686 – Party like 1660

Dangeau’s Diary, March 1686

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau

26th.— On the 13th of January, Monsieur Girardin, the King’s ambassador at the Porte, assembled all the French residents, and in the King’s name announced to them that none but Catholics should henceforth enjoy the privileges and functions granted to the nation by the King’s protection and that he would give them four months to receive the necessary instructions.

28th. — Monseigneur went to Paris, to see the statue erected by Monsieur de Feuillade in honour of the King in the Place des Victoires. The ceremony was performed with much pomp and Monsieur de la Feuillade rode at the head of the guards, as if he had been colonel-general of the infantry. Fireworks were exhibited before the Hotel de Ville and in all the streets. Monseigneur went to the Hotel de Ville to see the fireworks, but did not stop the fete, which was magnificent. The mayor had invited the ambassadors from Siam. They, however, excused themselves, saying that they had not yet paid all their visits to the royal family and that their pleasures should not precede their duty.