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Dangeau’s Diary, April 1691 – Party like 1660

Dangeau’s Diary, April 1691

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau


3rd. — A man threw himself into the town while the King was in the trenches. He effected his purpose with much ability and gallantry.

5th. — On going round the lines, the King visited the hospital to see if the sick and wounded were well taken care of, if their broths were good, if many died and if the surgeons were attentive to their duty.

9th. — This morning the King presented Monsieur Vauban with one hundred thousand livres and gave him an invitation to dinner, an honour which gratified him more than the money. He never had had the honour of eating with the King.

10th. — The King reviewed the cavalry which is encamped from Trouilles, as far as the communication of Jemmappes, and commanded by Monsieur de Luxembourg. Monseigneur went to see the garrison march out of the town, more than twenty-five thousand men of different kinds of troops, defiled before him. Those of Brandenburg and Sweden were very fine. The Dutch were but middling. The governor saluted Monseigneur with his sword, and, without alighting, told him he was very sorry he had not been able to hold out longer, that he might have more effectually contributed to the glory of the King. Colonel Fayel, a Dutchman, after having saluted Monseigneur at the head of his regiment, came and made his bow to him, and stood by him while the infantry defiled. The King has given six pieces of cannon to the garrison and grants the citizens all their privileges, except that of having the keys of the city.

15th. — Madame de Montespan has been some days at Clagny and has returned from thence to Paris. She says she has not absolutely renounced the court, that she will still occasionally see the King and that, to say the truth, they have been rather too hasty in unfurnishing her apartments.