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Dangeau’s Diary, April 1689 – Party like 1660

Dangeau’s Diary, April 1689

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau

9th. — Monsieur de la Rochefaucault has spoken to the King in behalf of the Comtede Roye. His Majesty expressed himself very well satisfied with his conduct and said that he did not order his pension to be paid him, because he did not wish to send money into England, but that the twelve thousand livre which he gave him annually should be paid to his children, who remained in France and who had not received any favours from his Majesty. The King added even that he had promised a pension of two thousand livres for Blanzac and desired Monsieur de la Rochefaucault to remind him of it when necessary.

10th. — Monsieur le Prince has made up the dispute between the Duc de Gesvres and the Duc d’Estrees. Gourville brought the Duc de Gesvres today to the Duc d’Estrees and Madame de Vaubrun’s. The Duc de Gesvres made more apologies than were required of him and the Duc d’Estrees told him that he forgave him, as he perceived that he was anxious to do all that was desired. The affair is thus settled to the satisfaction of both parties. The chief president did not accompany the Duc de Gesvres, thinking it was quite enough to have been twice there already, without effect.

12th. — The King has ordered two thousand livres to be given to Monsieur de Quelus, as he had done to Monsieur d’Antin, for having brought the news of the taking of Philipsbourg, Manheim and Frankendal. The King paid them their travelling expenses at Fontainebleau and intended giving them the two thousand livres in diamonds, but they preferred ready money, which the King acquiesced in. Monsieur de Flammarins, who has been exiled for a long time, has passed incognito through Paris on his way from England. He is going to Ireland. He could not procure a passport from the Prince of Orange. He told those that saw him, that the affairs of that Prince went on but too well at London. He has formed there two regiments of French refugees. One of them he calls Normandy, the other Guyenne. Caillemotte is colonel of the first and La Muloniere of the second.

21st. — The Pope is raising troops, but will not send any money to the King of England, lest, as he says, the Prince of Orange should treat the English Catholics with still greater severity.

27th. — The Queen of England has begged the King to permit Hautefort, who has just been cashiered, to serve in Ireland, which the King has granted.