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Dangeau’s Diary, June 1689 – Party like 1660

Dangeau’s Diary, June 1689

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau

3rd. — Spire, Worms, and Oppenheim have been burnt to prevent the enemy establishing them selves there and drawing assistance and stores from them, in case they should wish to attack some of the fortresses we have in that quarter. The inhabitants were informed of it some days before, to give them the opportunity of removing their goods, furniture, etc. Those who are willing to settle in Lorraine or Alsace will be exempt from all taxes for six years, and dwellings and arable land will be given them. All the documents of the imperial chamber of Spire were carried to Strasbourg some time since.

15th. — The ladies belonging to Madame la Duchesse have been dismissed. Mademoiselle de Doré will retire to a convent, as will also Mademoiselle de Rochenart, unless Madame de Montespan receives her, which is not, however, considered likely. Madame la Princesse will retain Mademoiselle de Paumy, who has given more satisfaction than the other two.

16th. — The Chevalier Forbin arrived this morning at Versailles, at the King’s levee. He and Baert escaped from their prisons in England and crossed the sea in a wretched little skiff, with each a valet. Both had found means to provide them selves with a compass. The fight which they maintained some time ago, with their small frigate, against two large English vessels, has acquired them reputation in England, and they were very leniently treated when in prison. They were, both of them, only lieutenants. The King has made them captains, and has given them some money. They set off again, in order to put to sea. Baert did not come here. As soon as he landed he went straight to Dunkirk, his native place. A few days past, war was declared at Paris, against the usurper of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland.