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Dangeau’s Diary, November 1690 – Party like 1660

Dangeau’s Diary, November 1690

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau

26th. — Monsieur de Rochefaucault presented to the King, in his cabinet, Monsieur de Liancourt, who has returned and the King spoke to him with much kindness. From the King’s answer to the exiles, it appears that he has pardoned them sincerely.

27th. — Intelligence has been received of the death of the Infanta of Portugal. She was not allowed to be opened, yet our ambassador states that he has no reason to believe she was poisoned. (Isabel Luísa of Portugal died on 21 October 1690 of smallpox at the age of 21, she was the only daughter of Peter II of Portugal and his first wife, and former sister-in-law, Maria-Francisca of Savoy. The Infanta was the heir presumptive to the throne of Portugal between 1668 and 1689.)