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Dangeau’s Diary, October 1690 – Party like 1660

Dangeau’s Diary, October 1690

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau

1st. — Before quitting Brisac this morning, Monseigneur received the envoys from Bâle; there were four in number. Each of them had one hundred pistoles presented to him, instead of the gold chain usually given; fifty pistoles for their travelling expenses and a like sum to the person who acted as interpreter. The King gave like sums to each of the Swiss gentlemen who came to Ensisheim, whilst he was at Brisac.

11th. — The King gave the right hand to the Queen of England on her arrival, and conducted her into the apartment of the Queen-Mother, which had been prepared for her. His Majesty always gives the King of England the precedence.

12th. — The bad weather prevented the chase. The King took the King and Queen of England to the tennis court. In the evening there was a salon the same as yesterday; all the ladies attended the toilette of the Queen of England, and conducted her to the chapel, where she knelt down between the two Kings, the King of England being on the right. They are seated in the same manner at table; and Monseigneur, Monsieur, Madame, Monsieur de Chartres, and all the Princes of the Blood, sit at the same table. Boisselot has arrived from Ireland: the King received him very graciously and told him, that he had laboured for his own glory and for that of the nation: he has made him brigadier.

14th. — The King begged the King of England, who was to have departed on Monday, to stay till Wednesday, to which he willingly consented. The King was aware that their Majesties found much amusement here.

17th. — The King took the King and Queen of England with him to hunt the boar and on their return, they witnessed, from the terrace of the grand apartment, the curée of the stag which the King of England and Monseigneur had taken in the morning. This spectacle by torch-light was very pleasing.

19th. — The King dined in private and went shooting. Monseigneur did not course, it being a festival of this diocese; and he does not course on holidays, lest any of his people might miss the mass.