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Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, February 1665 – Party like 1660

Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, February 1665

Henriette d’Angleterre, painted by Jan de Baen (c) National Trust, Hatchlands; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation


2 February, Purification de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie, their Majesties, Monseigneur and Monsieur receive, as is tradition, the candles from the université, out of the hands of Monsieur Rouillard, the recteur. His Majesty, after the blessings and wearing the Grand Collier de l’Ordre, proceeds to attend a procession at the Louvre, in company of Monsieur, the Prince de Condé and the Duc d’Enghien, followed by mass. Their Majesties and Monsieur then attend the sermon of Père Cueillens.

3 February, his Majesty and Mademoiselle attend the baptism of Monsieur le Marquis de Froulé’s son in the chapel de la Reine-Mère.

5 February, the Ballet Royal de la Naissance de Vénus is performed again in presence of the two Queens, after which the court enjoys a masquerade at the Palais-Royal, followed by a comédie italienne.

7 February, his Majesty receives, in the grand-cabinet of the Louvre, Père Ottoman, monk of the Ordre de Saint Dominique and oldest son of the Sultan Ibrahim, after which his Majesty attends mass in the chapelle du Louvre.

15 February, their Majesties attend, in disguise, a ball hosted by Madame at the Palais-Royal.

17 February, Her Majesty invites to a ball in the Louvre.

20 February, his Majesty has ordered for 300000 livres to be send to the Compagnie des Indes orientales as part of the advance granted to them.

21 February, in the morning, his Majesty receives Monsieur de Lira, envoy of his Most Catholic Majesty, the King of Spain, who has come to congratulate her Majesty on her recovery. Madame invites to a ball in her apartments in the evening.

22 February, premier dimanche de carême, their Majesties attend the sermon of Père Cueillens at the chapel of the Louvre.

23 February, his Majesty recieves the ambassador of Mantoue for his audience of leave, and afterwards the envoy of the Prince d’Orange.

26 February, his Majesty signs an edict relating to the usurpers of nobility in Provence, ordering that his nobility must now provide written proof of their claim to nobility.