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Dangeau’s Diary, July 1689 – Party like 1660

Dangeau’s Diary, July 1689

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau

2nd. — The Nuncio requested an audience of leave, which the King would not grant him. He sets off immediately.

14th. — The guard major returned this morning from Paris, whither he had been to arrest the Duc de la Force to conduct him to the Bastille. The Marquis de Roure was also arrested. Monsieur de Vivans, his cousin-german, and who lodged with also, has likewise been taken to the Bastille. And persons have been sent to La Boulaye, to take the Duchesse de la Force, who will be placed in the château d’Angers. (The Duc and Duchesse de la Force are Jacques-Nompar II de Caumont and his wife Suzanne de Beringhen. They were Huguenots and refused to convert.)

17th. — The Duchesse d’Arpajon, a few days since, told Monsieur de la Trémouille, that the Dauphine ordered him never to appear before her. So susceptible is the delicacy of the Dauphine of being wounded by the least presumption. (He was being a bit too gallant with her.)

22nd. — The King told us that he had written to the Marquis d’Uxelles, not to expose himself too much, being apprehensive of the too great ardour of the French officers.

29th. — We are informed the Pope has received the viaticum, without having spoken of making any promotions. He is much importuned to give a head to his faction and to fill up the ten vacant chapters. But, as he has always much condemned Pope Clement IX for having made a promotion when confined to his bed, it is hoped he would not follow an example of which he so greatly disapproved.


  • Eva Veverka

    What is an ‘audience of leave’?

    Were all those people being arrested for being Protestants?

    What is meant by the Pope taking a viaticum?

    • Aurora

      An audience of leave means that whenever an ambassador, or the nuncio in this case, was about to depart France for their native lands or elsewhere, they would have an audience with the King before their departure to say adieu. A Viaticum is a special kind of Holy Communion administered to a person who is dying and part of the Last Rites. And these people were arrested for refusing to convert.