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Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV – Page 3 – Party like 1660
  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, December 1661

    1 December, his Majesty and Monsieur set out from Fontainebleau to Paris to visit the Queen of England at the Palais-Royal. 1 December, Monsieur Fouquet, his health having improved, is moved with his valet and hid doctor Monsieur Pelisson to the château d’Amboise. 2 December, the King returns to Fontainebleau. 3 December, his Majesty discusses the nominations for the Chevaliers…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, November 1661

    1 November, All Saints’ Day, excitement rules Fontainebleau, for her Majesty is about to give birth. His Majesty is by her side. 1 November, it is a boy! Her Majesty gave birth to a Dauphin at eleven fifty-three in the morning! His Majesty is beside himself with joy and rushed to the windows to announce “La reine est accouchée d’un…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, October 1661

    1 October, his Majesty names the Bishop of Rodez (Hardouin de Péréfixe de Beaumont) Chancellor and Superintendent of the Order and witnesses the saying of the oath. 9 October, his Majesty is present as François de Clermont-Tonnerre takes his oath as new Bishop of Noyon. 10 October, the new Bishop of Noyon takes his leave from the King. 15 October,…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, September 1661

    1 September, his Majesty arrives in Nantes around noon to attend the états de Bretagne. Monsieur Fouquet has already arrived the previous day. 1 September, after arriving in Nantes, the King proceeds to the chateau where he meets various deputies, before walking to the chateau’s parapet on the river side to be greeted by the town with a canon salute.…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, August 1661

    3 August, his Majesty sets out to hunt in the forests of Fontainebleau, before the Ballet des Saisons is performed once more in the evening. 4 August, his Majesty invites to a promenade at the canal and is happily joined by the court and its beauties. 7 August, the ladies often promenade by carriage in the evenings, when the air…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, July 1661

    1 July, the price for a bag of wheat of the best quality reaches new heights. In Paris one has to pay 25 livres now, one year ago it were only 15 livres. 1 July, his Majesty gives the bishopric d’Evreux to the Bishop du Puy, the bishopric du Puy to the Bishop de Saint-Fleur, the bishopric de Saint-Fleur to…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, June 1661

    1 June, the King receives the Comte de Fuensaldagne, ambassador extraordinary of Spain, for an audience. 3 June, her Majesty invites to a ball, which is opened by the King and Madame. 5 June, Pentecost, the King receives communion in the lower chapel, before, wearing the grand collier de l’ordre, he meets a great number of sick persons to cure…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, May 1661

    3 May, Aubeville, a gentleman who has earned his Majesty’s trust, sets out in secret towards Rome with a letter requesting the Pope to resume the trial of Cardinal de Retz. 4 May, the King decides to disgrace Monsieur Fouquet. He keeps his decision to himself for now. 6 May, his Majesty enjoys Fontainebleau, Madame is often at his side.…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, April 1661

    1 April, Monsieur and Madame receive members of the court, who come to congratulate them on their marriage. 2 April, Fête de Saint François de Paule, the King and his brother travel to the couvent des Minimes de la place Royale for mass and to visit the convent. They are received by Père d’Ormesson (Nicolas Le Fèvre). 3 April, their…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, March 1661

    1 March, the King attends the marriage supper of the Grand maître de l’artillerie and Hortense Mancini, which is given at the Palais-Cardinal in Paris. The groom is given the title Duc Mazarin and made Peer of France. 2 March, the Duc and Duchesse Mazarin receive the King and court, who come to congratulate them upon their marriage and wish…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, February 1661

    1 February, the King and Queen return from Vincennes, where the court resides, in the evening. The illness of Cardinal Mazarin, who remains bedridden, troubles the King. 2 February, Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary, the King makes his devotions at the Oratorians, and afterwards, wearing the collier de l’ordre, observes the procession, which takes place at the…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, January 1661

    1 January, wearing the collier of the Grand Ordre, the King visits the Couvent des Feuillants to hear low mass, receiving communion, and high mass afterwards. 1 January, after hearing mass, the King proceeds to the gardens of the Tuileries to “cure a great number of people with various diseases” by the means of touching them. Le Roy te touche…

  • Chronologie de la vie de Louis XIV, December 1660

    A while ago, November 2017, I asked on Twitter if my followers would fancy a account that tweets whatever Louis XIV did, if it is known, on specific days of a specific year. As year to start with, I suggested 1660, since the following 1661 was a rather interesting year in the reign of Louis XIV. A lot of people…